Training as a Jungian psychoanalyst

To confront someone with his shadow shows him his own light (C.G. Jung)
"The Belgian School for Jungian Psychoanalysis (B.S.J.P.) is a group in which people develop into and as psychoanalysts through continuing education, commitment to the School and are co-opted by the other members"
Personal trajectory
The training to become a Jungian psychoanalyst is both theoretical and clinical. It can be understood as a preparation for permanent learning in which one continues to develop into and as a psychoanalyst. This is seen as a personal process for which people take their own responsibility.
The B.S.J.P. - the School", is multilingual. Knowledge of at least one of the national languages ​​and of English is indispensable.
After contacting the training committee, a personal learning path is designed together with the student, taking into account their knowledge and experience.
Aspirants only follow the theoretical part. This consists of two blocks:
- In consultation with the training committee the aspirant chooses a topic they want to study in depth. To help make this choice, a reading list of standard texts on Jungian thought is provided. The aspirant’s work is supervised by a member, possibly in a seminar with other members, and results in a paper. Two papers are expected per year.
The clinical training is reserved for candidates and consists of:
- Supervision of their psychoanalytic work with 2 B.S.J.P. trainers. A minimum of 150 hours, spread over at least 2 years supervision hours, is required. The candidates must be able to submit at least 180 hours of psychoanalytical work.
- The candidate is expected to regularly attend and actively participate in the activities of the B.S.J.P. organised by its members within the framework of a permanent training.
- Further theoretical immersion, in consultation with the training committee.
The continuing education is intended for members and candidates. This includes seminars, clinical intervision, workshops, internal study days. Lectures and study days are open to everyone and cover both classical and contemporary psychoanalytic themes, articles and books.
To conclude the training curriculum, the candidate presents a case in which they introduce the members of the school to their work demonstrating that they can merge and transmit theoretical and clinical insights in a lively way.